
Getting started

These instructions are for engineers wishing to develop the project.

0. Install prerequisites

Make sure python, npm, and the aws cli are installed. The services are written in python and serverless is an npm package. They are deployed to AWS.

1. Install development packages

These requirements can be installed with bin/ This script installs serverless and creates a local python virtualenv for developing the functions. See bin/

2. Develop

Edit the code and run locally with sls invoke local -f hello. Replace hello with the name of your function.

3. Deploy

First you will need to log into AWS through the cli. Then you can deploy your function with sls deploy. Happy coding!


This project uses pytest for testing. To run the tests you need the environmental variables in your shell and you will need to be logged into aws. Once you've done that you can run pytest. This will call the services as they exist in AWS. You can also enable log output during tests by adding log_cli = True to pytest.ini.